Feed Wrangler
Feed Wrangler is an RSS reader designed to make reading your news feeds as easy and quick as possible. - Create Smart Streams to personalize your news feeds. Perfect for on-the-go check-ins.
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Feed Wrangler is an RSS reader designed to make reading your news feeds as easy and quick as possible. - Create Smart Streams to personalize your news feeds. Perfect for on-the-go check-ins.
Commercial iPhone iPad Web Apple Watch
News360 is a next-generation news reader that gathers news from more than 10,000 different online sources, and presents them in an innovative visual fashion, aggregating different articles & media, and letting you see all sides of...
Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Blackberry Windows RT Windows Phone
Derived from the Icelandic word “Frettir”, which translates directly to the word “News”, Fretsi's main target is to make online reading easier than ever, enabling you to access news and keeping you up-to-date in the easiest and fastest...
Free Personal Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web
Feed Notifier is an application for Windows and Mac OS X that resides in the system tray or status bar and displays pop-up notifications on your desktop when new items arrive in your subscribed RSS or Atom feeds.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows
Flowreader is a web-based RSS reader that brings users both web news and social accounts feeds. One can organize categories, share and post directly from Flowreader page to Twitter and Google+ accounts.
Free Windows Android Web
Looking for a simple and open feed reader? Free, open source, easy to use, Sismics Reader is what you need to keep your feeds under control. Central Access all your RSS and Atom feeds in one central easy readable place.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Android Tablet Web Self-Hosted
With a focus on simplicity and speed, Bulletin allows you to quickly subscribe to, read, and share content from the sites you care about.
Commercial Web
nextgen reader is the fastest http://alternativein .
Freemium Windows RT Windows Phone
eldonreader is the best and easy way to transform all your favorites websites into a social and interactive digital magazine, it's the ultimate alternative to google reader .
Free Chrome OS Web Chrome
KrISS feed is a simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader. To see an online example: http://tontof.net/feed Feel free to contribute: https://github.com/tontof/kriss_feed
Free Open Source Self-Hosted
Yoleo is an RSS feed reader. Free for all, but allows a donation to ensure that development continues.
Free Web
birdreader - home-made, open-source google reader replacement powered by node.js and couchdb (cloudant). allows importing of google reader feeds, tagging, searching, favouriting and social media links.
Free Open Source Web