The Best 79 Storageroom Alternatives
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Moopato Website Builder
Moopato Website Builder is an Offline Content Management System (CMS). It runs on your local machine and not on a server. You create your content locally, build the...
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Build Responsive
Create Beautiful Responsive Sites. Build it once and serve your content to desktop, tablet and mobile web users. So why go responsive? Well, there are many advantages...
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EZGenerator is a combination offline Website builder and online content management system. Create the structure of your website offline, add pages, blogs and other...
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jCore - the Webmasters Multisite CMS
Update - 0.9 released! New in this release: Module and Update managers, multiple layouts support for Templates, separated Menu items and Pages so you don't have to...
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Communifire is social business software that drives business growth. You can collaborate with anyone, provide better customer support, power your company intranet, build...
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ApPHP MicroBlog
Lightweight, simple and very easy-to-use personal blog script. It provides all essential blog features including categories, archives and comments.
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BardCanvas is an Open Source CMS that fits perfectly for blogs/forums/social networks. It is fast (through several cache levels), heavily optimized (it wont collapse the...
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Create a beautiful website with no design or IT skills using the Rocketspark website builder. Enjoyably easy DIY web editing and ecommerce. Great for Designers and...