SlimCleaner is a freeware PC maintenance program that uses crowd-sourced feedback to make up-to-date optimization recommendations for users. In many ways it's like other cleaning apps.
As you may have already experienced, Windows 10 may periodically reset the default apps.
as you may have already experienced, windows 10 may periodically reset the default apps. the reset action usually takes place after a windows update or an update of one of the windows builtin apps such as microsoft edge, photos or groove music. it may also be caused by a third party program.
default apps are the programs that are executed by default when you open a file or protocol. resetting them without your consent can be extremely unconvenient, because it can take a lot of work to set them up again.
stop resetting my apps helps you to work around this issue by preventing some of those builtin apps from being set as the default apps. this does not affect the functionality of those apps