LeechBlock is an extension for Firefox and Chrome that allows users to block time-wasting sites.
Stop Procrastinating allows you to block the internet and cut online distraction. It has the highest quality features for the best price with the highest level of Software Quality Assurance.
stop procrastinating allows you to block the internet and cut online distraction. it has the highest quality features for the best price with the highest level of software quality assurance.
set a time and then choose one of three options.
1.disconnet but get back online before you time if up by rebooting.
2. disconnect but only get back online once your time is up. this prevents you getting online if you reboot.
3. stay connected but block only the most distracting websites.
you can also set work goals and chart progress over time.
no-distraction Discontinued productivity-tool block-websites block-facebook internet-blocking web-filtering