Microsoft OneNote
A digital notebook application that gives people one place to gather notes and information. .
A personal information manager that will keep you up to speed and informed at all times.
ssuite clevernote pim is a comprehensive application that includes an intuitive working environment for managing notes, ideas, lists and events into one place. it comes in handy for personal and business purposes alike.
this application also has a portable counterpart for carrying all your notes around on a usb drive. the interface is clean and attractive, with a wellorganized layout divided into multiple panels. you can create notes and assign tags, format font settings, hyperlinks and checkboxes (for todo lists), as well as count words and resources.
ssuite clevernote pim is a handy, simple, and easytouse application that allows you to schedule appointments, take notes, and manage your finances. ssuite clevernote pim is a useful software that also allows you to keep track of your travel expenses and manage your contacts.
the application has minimal impact on system performance, a good reaction time, and excellent speed for synchronizing data.
available features:
a todo list for everyday tasks, chores, and activities an address book to keep all your contacts in one place a very useful calendar diary to view all your appointments in a personal finance manager to keep you economically viable a travel expenses record keeper with custom reporting for people on the move a briefcase container to keep all your personal documents with you at all times a notebook editor for reminders, personal notes, and short articles clipped from the web.
when it comes down to it, ssuite clevernote pim offers excellent utilities for managing notes across multiple platforms, backed up by a highly intuitive workspace.
no java or dotnet required. green energy software. saving the planet one bit at a time...
Official Website
portable personal-information-manager information-management personal-information pim-software pim.linked-notes