The most straight forward Reminder and Todo App for iPhone Reminders! enables you to quickly add Tasks and ToDos that require a future Action. It goes beyond, allowing...
First offline Task,Todo list application that syncs with Google Tasks.
first offline task,todo list application that syncs with google tasks.
* no credentials needed* phone that syncs with gmail/cal needed* has widget and home shortcut for new task* google apps users are supported* widget show from all lists * lang de, it, jp, finland, chinese* view by due date * black on white scheme, big checkbox * different colors for header and comment
want to share your ideas/comments? want to share how ideal widget should look like? join discussion (link in website) or mail us.
Productivity Business and Commerce
task-management todo-manager tasks widget
The most straight forward Reminder and Todo App for iPhone Reminders! enables you to quickly add Tasks and ToDos that require a future Action. It goes beyond, allowing...
Commercial iPhone
SuperBetter increases resilience - the ability to stay strong, motivated and optimistic even in the face of difficult obstacles. Playing SuperBetter makes you more...
Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web
get my tasks allows you to download your incomplete tasks from your remember the milk account.
Free Windows Phone