The Best 56 Squash - Web Image Compression Alternatives

  • Fotosizer

    Fotosizer is a freeware batch image resizer tool. It resizes your photos in just 3 easy steps - 1. Photo selection, 2. select resize settings, then 3. Start the resize!

    Free Windows

  • shrink omatic

    Shrink O'Matic is an AIR application to easily (batch) resize (shrink) images. It handles JPGs, GIFs and PNGs.

    Free Mac OS X Windows

  • Fast Image Resizer

    adionSoft Fast Image Resizer is a small tool to quickly resize a batch of pictures. Features -Multicore processor compatible -Resize images to any size quickly...

    Free Mac OS X Windows

  • Picture Resizer

    PhotoResize is a simple tool for very fast batch resizing of photos and pictures in JPEG format. Beyond simple options however, Picture Resizer also contains support...

    Free Windows

  • PictureBeaver

    PictureBeaver is a WSH script for batch optimization PNG/JPEG/GIF images using optipng/jpegtran/gifsicle utilities.

    Free Open Source Windows GitHub

  • Photo Size Optimizer

    A powerful photo resizer and optimizer for Mac, allows you to optimize all your photos by 80% ~ 20% comparing to their originals while keeping their original resolution...

    Freemium Mac OS X

  • Black Bird Image Optimizer

    Optimize pictures without quality lossless. With Black Bird Image Optimize - you can reduce the size of your photos several times without quality loss!.


  • Tinybeest

    A Mac app and Chrome extension that optimizes/compresses images and PDFs. Tinybeest also converts file formats and resizes images for the web.

    Freemium Mac OS X Web

  • WinLep

    WinLep is a software that compresses JPG images to LEP saving 22%. WinLep compresses JPEG and decompresses LEP, moreover it can display JPEG and LEP compressed files.

    Commercial Windows

  • iResize

    iResize can resize, compress and save as JPEG the image files GIF, JPEG, PICT, PNG, TIFF and PSD files. Here are some key features of iResize: New and streamlined...

    Free Mac OS X

  • Squeezer

    Squeezer is a PNG optimizer for Mac OSX that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information. Super easy to use: Drag-and-drop PNG on...

    Free Mac OS X

  • SeaMonster

    .Net based application that does Content-Aware Image Resizing just like Photoshop CS4. See for Executable and...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • Mini-Compressor

    Mini-Compressor is an easy to use image compression tool. Compress images by right clicking on the images or folder of images. A viable alternative to other photo...

    Commercial Windows

  • pngCrushrrr

    Drag your PNGs onto PNGCrushrrr and get super-optimized files ready to be emailed or posted on the web! Supports one or more files being dropped and instead of...

    Free Mac OS X

  • SqueezeFile

    Works with all common image formats like png, jpeg, bmp, tiff and Microsoft Office documents pptx, docx, xlsx.

    Free Mac OS X Windows

  • Dropresize

    Dropresize is a portable application that can automatically resize images in folders specified by the user. It resides in the system tray so it won’t interfere with your...

    Free Windows