Wolfram Alpha
Wolfram Alpha is a "Computational Knowledge Engine" - different from a search engine, it answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from structured data, rather than providing a list of documents or web pages that...
SpeedCrunch is a free, fast, high precision open source algebraic calculator with an intuitive interface and a extensive list of features, including: Unlimited Variables, Syntax Highlighting, Functions, with...
SpeedCrunch is a free, fast, high precision open source algebraic calculator with an intuitive interface and a extensive list of features, including: Unlimited Variables, Syntax Highlighting, Functions, with 'Automagic' Completion, 50 Decimal Precision, Input History and more...
Portable Multiple languages Support for Themes Syntax Highlighting Live Preview Inline editing Input history Variables
Productivity Business and Commerce Education and Reference
portable multi-language themeable syntax-highlighting mathematics live-preview calculator inline-editing algebraic-calculation input-history scientific-calculator solver variables