Harakirimail is a free disposable email service. Just send email to [email protected] and let us deal with the email (and all spam). And after 24H the email performs harakiri (seppuku), and you never have to see it again.
Spamgourmet provides disposable, optionally self destructing, email addresses that get created automatically the first time they are used, forward messages, and then automatically expire after number of specified messages received.
Spamgourmet provides disposable, optionally self destructing, email addresses that get created automatically the first time they are used, forward messages, and then automatically expire after number of specified messages received. optional layers of security to foil unwanted alias creation unlike.most every other on the fly alias generation of other free services. signup requires captcha solve and email confirmation.
anti-spam disposable-email spam e-mail-replacement alias dea email-forwarding mail-forwarding zone-salting