Producteev is an online task management tool that serves as your full Productivity platform (Task and Project Management, Files Sharing, Internal Communication and Productivity Apps Aggregation).
Sorted is not a to-do list app. We help you setup your daily schedule fast. Like in little more than ten seconds fast. We combine powerful gestures and a slim interface...
"to do lists don't work, because they don't account for time. instead schedule everything, because that which is scheduled actually gets done." kevin kruse, fast company & forbes
sorted is not a todo list app. we help you setup your daily schedule fast. like in little more than ten seconds fast. we combine powerful gestures and a slim interface to make quick work of scheduling your tasks.
sorted makes it fast and easy for you to:
1. hit the day running2. make better decisions about time
• lists & day planner
organise your tasks in lists and schedule them with a tap. no date pickers and forms to fill. quick, direct and painless.
• powerful gestures
staying organised should not be a chore. coming up with a schedule for your day should not require you to go through date pickers one item at a time. see your schedule and move things around with a few taps and swipes.
• checklists within your task
swipe right to create checklists for subtasks or use it for block scheduling.
• reminders
• simple and complex repeating tasks
make tasks repeat from a selection of common repeating choices or go as complex as you like with custom repeating rules.
• autosnooze
never miss a reminder again with autosnooze. your reminders will repeatedly alert you until you handle them.
• icloud sync
sync your tasks via icloud and stay sorted everywhere.
• share menu and tappable links
send a link from your mobile browser to sorted and get back to that website at a later time or date.
• apple reminders capture
add tasks via siri and have them captured into sorted to be scheduled at will.
• 3d touch support
move tasks to the top or bottom of your schedule. throw them to the next or previous day. all with a hard press and a swipe.
• apple watch app
access your reminders from your apple watch
• themes
personalise sorted with playful themes and make it your own.
Official Website
Recurring tasks Time Scheduling
Productivity Travel and Location
task-management todo-manager getting-things-done reminder productivity-tool recurring-tasks time-scheduling ios-apps iphone-apps watchapp ipad-pos