The Best 66 Snipt Alternatives

  • Qsnipps

    QSnipps - Your Code Snippets Manager Start organizing your favorite code snippets and be more productive. Why would you waste time rewriting the same piece of code...

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • Snip-it Pro

    keep your code organized with snip-it pro, a snippet management tool with syntax highlighting, code templates, snipplr integration and more.

    Commercial Windows

  • Gistfy

    Gist your GitHub and Bitbucket repositories Gistfy is an easy way to create embeddable code snippets from your GitHub and Bitbucket repositories or your GitHub Gist.

    Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Web

  • ScriptFlow

    ScriptFlow for macOS and iOS, is helper tools to keep your code snippets on iCloud , simple and lightweight code snippets manager made for developers with ease of use.


  • Gisto

    Cross-platform gist snippets management desktop application that allows you and your team share code snippets fast and easily.

    Free Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • Kousek

    Kousek is a fully re-written version of Snippet. Reworked to be even easier to use and more simplistic. Still fully keyboard navigable. Kousek is a fast, friendly...

    Commercial Mac OS X