ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to over 80 supported destinations.
Snipaste is a simple but powerful snipping tool, and also allows you to pin the screenshot back onto the screen. Snip. Then paste. Free. Customizable. Portable.
power up your efficiency with snipastesnipaste is a simple but powerful snipping tool, and also allows you to pin the screenshot back onto the screen. download and open the program, then press f1 to start a screentshot, choose 'copy to clipbroad', then press f2 to paste it as a floating window. that's it!
you can also convert text or color info in the clipboard into a floating image window. such windows can be zoomed, rotated, made translucent, and even made clickthrough! if you are a programmer, a designer or whoever works much time before the computer, you will be surprised how it can help you get your work done more efficiently!
snipaste is easy and intuitive to use, but there are also many hidden features that can make your life even more efficient.
intuitive snippingauto detect ui elementspixellevel controlcolor picker (try f1, c, f2)history play back (</>)multiscreen supporthidpi (retina display) supportpaste images as topmost floating windowsthe source (in the clipboard) could beimageplain texthtml textcolor info textimage files: png, jpg, bmp, tga, ico, tiff and gifsupported operationszoom (mouse scroll or +/)or set speed for gifrotate (1/2)or jump to previous/next frame for gifset transparency (ctrl+mouse scroll or ctrl++/)made clickthrough (f3)image editing (space)hide (double click)destroy (in the context menu)color picker (alt)drag & dropgroupingauto backup & restoreeasy image editingrich shapesrectangleellipseline strippencilmarker pentextadvanced editing toolsmosaicgaussian blurerasorundo & redocustomizationtheme color, interface font, tray icon, and morehot keysdetailed functionality options
Edit screenshots Share screenshots
Productivity Phots and Graphics
screen-grab screenshot-editing screenshot-sharing screenshot-utility screenshots take-screenshot print-screen
ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to over 80 supported destinations.
Free Open Source Windows Chrome Firefox
Capture the whole page or any portion, annotate it with rectangles, circles, arrows, lines and text, one-click upload to share.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Linux Web Chrome Firefox Safari
I built a Chrome Extension that allows you to save a screenshot of an entire webpage as an image.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome