Home Assistant is an open-source home automation platform running on Python 3. Track and control all devices at home and automate control. Installation in less than a...
Create a smart home using your smartphone. Offering security, peace of mind, savings, and limitless possibilities, SmartThings lets you monitor and control your home...
create a smart home using your smartphone. offering security, peace of mind, savings, and limitless possibilities, smartthings lets you monitor and control your home from the palm of your hand.
as featured in wired, cnn, abc news, and elsewhere, smartthings makes your life easier and better by letting you know about important things that happen at home when you’re away, and by letting you turn previously dumb things like lights, locks, and other household objects into smart devices that automatically do what you want them to. secure your home, control energy use, and trigger things in your home to perform different actions when people or pets are present with the push of a button – wherever you are.
Official Website
IFTTT integration Google Home integration
ifttt-integration remote-control home-automation internet-of-things remote-monitoring smart-home google-home-integration