S3.Google Translator
Translation of selected text, introduced by a phrase or a fully web-site from any language to any language.
With Slicktionary you can lookup and translate words from English and German to 21 languages with a simple mouse click - no matter if you are using your Internet...
with slicktionary you can lookup and translate words from english and german to 21 languages with a simple mouse click no matter if you are using your internet browser, microsoft office, open office or any other windows application. slicktionary is the clever way to access the popular high quality online dictionary dict.cc (http://alternativein.com/desktop/dictcc/ ), which can be edited by the user community with similar principles as wikipedia. price for a single user license:19. €. to use slicktionary, hold down shift and rightclick on the word you want to translate.slicktionary will then show the translations of the word in a separate window.
Productivity Games Education and Reference
german language-translation languages dictionary english online-dictionary