Sketcher3D is a 3D modeling, design, and fun physics sandbox. Create and manipulate 3D objects, plan out a space, or just build things up and smash them down! ...
sketcher3d is a 3d modeling, design, and fun physics sandbox. create and manipulate 3d objects, plan out a space, or just build things up and smash them down!
features: create objects to design buildings or spaces move and naturally rotate and scale objects using your device accelerometer obj import and manipulation (*** copy obj files and materials to /sdcard/android/com.doktor3d.sketcher3d_pro/files *** obj export of scenes for use in other 3d applications change object colors, including transparency clone and group objects load scenes (a fancy medieval castle example scene is included!) save your scenes audio and vibration feedback that makes the physics come alive two sample obj models included: a bmw and an office building ... all with realtime physics
3d-modeling design architecture physics-sandbox