Live Rewrite
Update your website in seconds with Live Rewrite. Just click, edit, save and you’re done! It`s simple - anyone can do it.
Sketch is a PHP 5 CMS system built from the servers perspective. It aims for server speed and performance first. It has full support for customization and supports...
sketch is a php 5 cms system built from the servers perspective. it aims for server speed and performance first. it has full support for customization and supports all the latest standards.
shopping cartdpsonline bankingpaypal
gallerieseach gallery supports light box features
bloggingsketch support multiple blogs/forum pages for members and for the public
membershipsketch supports membership grouping and features.
pages and featuresnews pagesblogginggalleriesproductspage tagssimple installanimated bannerscasestudiesxml feedstwittermultipage createmultisite
cachingcaching will give the correct headers to have the user cache itcaching will create a flat file on the server so the server does not have to reprocess itentire pages can be cached on the server improving performance.
secureencrypts all passwords / cookies using a random md5 encryption key.forms use tokens to get authorizationpage content goes though an approval processforces removal of install filessupports user_auth to make a site private until launch
multiplatformiis / linux platforms.apache on windows,mac or linux environments
extendablesketch uses models / view / controllers but in a flexible waydon't want to use the mvc then don't drop a page in to the views folder and let it run sketch will take care of the rest.
each page,plugin,output and form can be modified the saving is managed behind the scenes.
helpfulsketch has a helpers folder in there is are validation/ email / paypal / dps / minification and more...sketch presents a full error when things go wrongerrors can be turned off when development mode is finished
tinyall pages are stripped of comments and whitespacebest practicelatest standards are used in headers, ajax requests not cached
portablesketch knows when it is in a subfolder these are never written to file paths so when moving the site form one folder to another sketch adjusts the links for you.
extensible cms php-cms
Update your website in seconds with Live Rewrite. Just click, edit, save and you’re done! It`s simple - anyone can do it.
Freemium Web
phpSQLiteCMS is a simple and lightweight open source web content management system (CMS) based on PHP and SQLite. It's licensed under the GNU General Public License....
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Refreshingly simple PHP content management system and web framework. Elefant is easy-to-use and straight-forward for all levels of users. Elefant is also secure...
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Modern, open source, fast and secure content management system based on Bootstrap 3 using the latest technology. CMS has been build from Scratch and uses the latest...
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Open Source, Ruby on Rails Content Management System (CMS). [Free]
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Refinery is the most popular Ruby on Rails CMS and supports Rails 4.2. It's easy to extend and sticks to 'the Rails way' where possible.
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Template Blocks is a visual template engine, replacing any semantics of previous generation engines with an AJAX interface. It's written in PHP and is distributed...
Free Self-Hosted
Video Plus is a free joomla template suitable for building a video sharing website. The template has an attractive slide banner with stylish color
Free Windows Linux
Free Website Builder Script is an open source website builder script allowing the administrator to create, run and manage multiple websites through one single multisite...
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lmnucleus cms is compatible with nucleus cms , but without the bugs of the latest official release of nucleus cms.
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this is a nucleus cms fork with some changes and bugsfixes.
Free Open Source Windows Linux Self-Hosted
The FlatSiteBuilder is a very easy to use content management system and content creation tool running as a desktop application on Linux. You are able to build web...
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