Discover new movies, tv shows and video games based on what you like. Get a personalised calendar of your favorite shows. Get notified when your favorite shows and movies are released.
Simkl is a TV, anime, and movie tracker that keeps a history of all the shows and movies you watch in one, central location.
automatically track tv, anime & movies what you're watching.
simkl tv tracker solves the problem of not being able to remember if that movie or show you wanted to watch is on netflix or amazon.
the service has a website, computer application (scrobbler), mobile app and open api to mash up your watched data that combine all your queues in one place. it automatically detects what you're watching, tells you how many episodes you've missed, and connects you to what your friends are into.
Official Website
Portable Google Chrome extension Tv shows Track movies Tv schedule
Productivity Games Social Video Web Browsers
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