Sideline is the work number for your smartphone. It uses your existing carrier network so that 2nd number works wherever you do.
add a free work number to your smartphone with sideline. just download the app, choose your number, and you get a second number that works just like your first. it’s as simple as that.
unlike “cloudbased,” “voip,” or “virtual” phone systems, sideline works with your existing carrier network to provide the same great quality and reliability you get from your regular cell number. this also lets you use the minutes you already pay for, which are probably unlimited.
with sideline, you can finally stop using your personal number for work, ditch that dusty landline, or stop carrying two phones. it's essentially the work phone of your dreams (assuming you have really strange dreams).
messaging communications telephone telephony phone-number-based phone-calls phone-manager telecom phone-system telecommunications central-management phone-book ring-central-alternative