Yoleo Reader
Yoleo is an RSS feed reader. Free for all, but allows a donation to ensure that development continues.
Shrook is a full-featured RSS reader that's completely free - no ads, no spyware. And if you want to access your feeds on another Mac, iPhone, iPad or any...
shrook is a fullfeatured rss reader that's completely free no ads, no spyware. and if you want to access your feeds on another mac, iphone, ipad or any webconnected pc, just get a shrook.com account for painless synchronization.
quick subscription shrook supports feed: links, which allow you to add a feed to shrook just by clicking a link on a web page. twitter reading and posting follow all your twitter friends in shrook. instant notifications builtin support for growl spotlight support items from your feeds appear in spotlight search results. no browser required view webpages directly in shrook. smart groups define almost any combination of rules to pick out items you want, all updated in real time. scrapbooks save individual items to look at later. blogging integration use external blog editors directly from shrook realtime search enter a word into shrook's search box, and the list of feeds or items instantly reduces to those matching the search. secure access shrook provides access to private feeds via https encryption (including selfsigned) and password protection. passwords are stored securely in your keychain. it also shares credentials with safari, so if you log in there you can read private feeds in shrook. feed guide shrook comes with an integrated feed guide to help you find new sites. it's loaded from the web, so it's always up to date.
Integrated Search Integrated Web Browser Twitter integration Growl integration HTTPS Support
Productivity Social Books News
integrated-search integrated-web-browser read-later rss-feed-reader twitter-integration growl-integration blogging feed-reader https-support
Yoleo is an RSS feed reader. Free for all, but allows a donation to ensure that development continues.
Free Web
birdreader - home-made, open-source google reader replacement powered by node.js and couchdb (cloudant). allows importing of google reader feeds, tagging, searching, favouriting and social media links.
Free Open Source Web
simple rss reader is an alternative to google reader featuring an identical layout that functions and behaves exactly like the discontinued google product, including it's much-loved star capability.
Free Web
Chrome extension to read breaking news and personalized articles in browser's new tab. It gathers news across 1000s of sources, learns your reading habits and recommends articles based on your profile and topics you are interested in.
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Feeddler is a fast and highly customizable RSS Reader that presents RSS stories in an easy-to-ready interface. Feeddler is a universal app that supports iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads. The free version is ad-supported.
Freemium iPhone iPad
The Feed Sidebar is an extension for the Mozilla Firefox Web browser that displays the new items from your Live Bookmarks in the sidebar.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Firefox
slow feeds: rediscover your feeds with this unique and smart rss client for ios. features - syncs with feedbin , newsblur and http://alternativein .
My name is Newsdippides, the successor of ancient Pheidippides, and I am a virtual news robot.
Free Web
RSS Desktop Aggregator is a work in progress C# 4.0 productivity and time saver app that read and display RSS feeds and Outlook Items. Some of Desktop Aggregator Features are: •Manually/Automatically refresh modes.
Free Open Source Windows
ttrss-reader is a client application for the project tiny tiny rss , a php-based online feedreader which runs on your own webspace.
Free Open Source Android Android Tablet