The Best 28 SharpDevelop Alternatives

  • Delphi

    Embarcadero Delphi, formerly CodeGear Delphi and Borland Delphi, is a software development environment for Microsoft Windows applications originally developed by Borland and now owned and developed by Embarcadero Technologies.

    Commercial Windows

  • Visual C# Express Edition

    Visual C# Express Edition is a slimmed-down version of Visual Studio only supporting C#, but is better for beginners.

    Free Windows

  • Xamarin Studio

    Type intelligently World-class code completion unlocks the iOS, Android, and OS X APIs. Quickly look up methods and types, and discover API functionality. Find bugs quickly Debug in a simulator or on a device.

    Freemium Mac OS X Windows Microsoft Visual Studio

  • B4X

    Cross platform development tools for native iOS, Android, desktop and server applications. B4X is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool for real world apps. The programming language is a modern version of Visual Basic.

    Commercial Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad

  • RAD Studio

    Embarcadero RAD Studio is the industry’s most powerful rapid application development suite for visually building GUI-intensive, data-driven end-user applications for both native Windows and .NET.

    Commercial Windows

  • Ultimate++

    Ultimate++ is a C++ cross-platform rapid application development framework U++ is a C++ cross-platform rapid application development framework focused on programmers productivity. It includes a set of libraries (GUI, SQL, etc..

    Free Open Source Windows Linux

  • CodeTyphon

    CodeTyphon is a fork/distribution of Lazarus with thousands of Lazarus/Free Pascal components bundled into distribution and with own Lazarus expansion features.

    Free Open Source Windows Linux BSD

  • Ecere SDK

    A cross-platform Software Development Kit including a GUI toolkit, a 2D/3D graphics engine, a networking library, an audio output library, an IDE, a compiler for the eC...

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • Kaxaml

    Kaxaml is a lightweight XAML editor that gives you a "split view" so you can see both your XAML and your rendered content (kind of like XamlPad but without the...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • Zinjai

    ZinjaI is an IDE (integrated development environment) for C + + developed in the context of a Starter Grant from the Scientific Research at the Universidad Nacional del...

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • Jetbrains Rider

    Rider supports .NET Core, .NET Framework and Mono based projects. This lets you develop a wide array of applications including .NET desktop apps, services and libraries...

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • MASM Builder

    MASM Builder is a free Integrated Development Environment IDE for developing 32-bit Windows programs using the Assembler. MASM Builder contains many useful features...

    Free Windows

  • Easy code

    Easy Code is the visual assembly programming environment made to build 32-bit Windows applications. The Easy Code interface, looking like Visual Basic, allows you to...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • Microsoft Small Basic

    Microsoft Small Basic puts the fun back into computer programming. With a friendly development environment that is very easy to master, it eases both kids and adults...

    Free Windows .NET Framework

  • UEStudio

    UEStudio offers all the functionality of UltraEdit plus other exciting and powerful features! Whether you are simply editing text, building applications, maintaining...

    Commercial Windows

  • MaxBlox

    MaxBlox is a complete application development platform. The entire system is web-based and allows the ability to build applications that operate over the web. This is...

    Free Open Source Windows Linux Web Mac