Microsoft Visual Studio
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web applications and web services.
Embarcadero Delphi, formerly CodeGear Delphi and Borland Delphi, is a software development environment for Microsoft Windows applications originally developed by Borland and now owned and developed by Embarcadero Technologies.
embarcadero delphi, formerly codegear delphi and borland delphi, is a software development environment for microsoft windows applications originally developed by borland and now owned and developed by embarcadero technologies.
delphi is mainly used for the development of desktop and enterprise database applications, but it is a generalpurpose software development tool suitable for most software projects. web applications are also possible due to the inclusion of several libraries. delphi is distributed in various versions with different features and prices: professional, enterprise and architect.
the most recent iteration of the win32 range is delphi xe7, released in late 2014.
over 1.7 million developers worldwide choose delphi over other tools because delphi radically speeds desktop, workstation, touch, kiosk, and web application development without sacrificing an ounce of programming power or control. applications built with delphi are lightning fast, compact, provide rich uis, and can connect with virtually any database or data source “outofthebox”.
Official Website
multi-language programming ide rapid-application-development android-development ios-development pascal programmer object-pascal
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web applications and web services.
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Embarcadero RAD Studio is the industry’s most powerful rapid application development suite for visually building GUI-intensive, data-driven end-user applications for both native Windows and .NET.
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MASM Builder is a free Integrated Development Environment IDE for developing 32-bit Windows programs using the Assembler. MASM Builder contains many useful features...
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Microsoft Small Basic puts the fun back into computer programming. With a friendly development environment that is very easy to master, it eases both kids and adults...
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