Universal USB Installer
Universal USB Installer is a Live Linux USB Creator that allows you to choose from a selection of Linux Distributions to put on your USB Flash Drive. The Universal USB Installer is easy to use.
SharpBoot is a small utility for creating multiboot ISO or USB. You just need to drag-n-drop some iso files inside, and it automatically adds description and category (for supported ISO files, not shown in the screenshot).
SharpBoot is a small utility for creating multiboot ISO or USB. You just need to dragndrop some iso files inside, and it automatically adds description and category (for supported ISO files, not shown in the screenshot). It uses Syslinux for the menu and bootloader.It requires .NET Framework 4.0
Portable Install Syslinux Create bootable USB Multiboot USB
Productivity Utilities Burn and Rip
portable install-syslinux emulation create-bootable-usb multiboot-usb usb-install multiboot-cd iso-creator multiboot qemu usb-loader multi-boot usb-creator usb-menu