WeTransfer is a service to send big or small files from A to B. It can transfer any type of file - such as presentations, photos, videos, music or documents - to friends and colleagues.
Shareflare.net is a totally free file hosting site. Upload and exhange Your files absolutely for free.
Shareflare.net is a totally free file hosting site. Upload and exhange Your files absolutely for free.
file-hosting file-sharing file-upload online-backup share-files file-storage Discontinued
WeTransfer is a service to send big or small files from A to B. It can transfer any type of file - such as presentations, photos, videos, music or documents - to friends and colleagues.
A completely free file sharing service, upload files up to 50GB without limits, securely & anonymously. Files are encrypted & stored securely in the cloud, for 30 days for free, and permanently for pro users. .
Free Web
Telx Sendit is a free service that lets you email large files with no limits. Transfer unlimited size files, unlimited times.
Freemium Web
Send big files for free. Browse your file, and we transfer it for you. Secure, fast and worry free with our realtime tracking tool.
Free Web