Microsoft Office Access
Microsoft Access, part of the Microsoft Office Suite, is a database management system for Windows that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools.
Lantica Software, LLC - Sesame, A Q&A-compatible Database Manager. Sesame provides the tools needed to easily create database applications and organize and present the information in them.
lantica software, llc sesame, a q&acompatible database manager.
sesame provides the tools needed to easily create database applications and organize and present the information in them. features such as centralized application design facilities, a consistent formbased interface, intuitive querybyexample searching, and html reports allow the creation of attractive and smoothly functioning applications. sesame.sesame is built around proven clientserver architecture. sesame can run standalone, serve other sesame clients, or connect to a sesame server — just by the way the program is started. sesame is truly crossplatform, currently available for microsoft windows™ and linux.
Productivity Education and Reference
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Microsoft Access, part of the Microsoft Office Suite, is a database management system for Windows that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools.
Commercial Windows
FileMaker Pro is powerful, easy-to-use database software that helps you and your team get any task done faster.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows iPhone iPad
SpeedBase is a fully customizable desktop database software to manage business and personal information.
Commercial Windows
MobiDB Database Designer is a general-purpose relational database app for business users with multi-user access and synchronization. It is able to store any type of...
Freemium Windows Android Android Tablet Windows RT Windows Phone
Read and write to your databases without any programming changes. Quickest and easiest way to go paperless. Read and Write to any desktop side database Wirelessly...
Commercial Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad
A software that lets you create custom databases without knowing anything about them. Database Oasis' simple point and click interface allows you to tell it what...
Commercial Windows