Easy database and applications platform. Quickly create tables and start storing information like projects, sales data, customer information, product catalogs or bug...
small business platform for desktop database applications.
building a desktop database application requires many different things to come together. you would need a bit of schema design to handle information storage, you would need a few forms to get people to put in data, you would need sql to search and retrieve data as needed by the application, you would need some reporting skills to generate useful and good looking reports periodically and to top it off you need to pack them all together as an application.
Base is a full-featured desktop database front end, designed to meet the needs of a broad array of users, for all kinds of usages, such as keeping track of collections of objects,maintaining customer information databases,maintaining...
Microsoft Access, part of the Microsoft Office Suite, is a database management system for Windows that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools.
A simple development environment databases, without the help of specialists and programming skills, you will create a Windows application databases. It can be as simple telephone directory and accounting system in your business.
Kexi is considered as a long awaited Open Source competitor for Microsoft Access, Filemaker and Oracle Forms. Kexi is an integrated data management application. It...
Alpha Five is a relational database management system and Rapid Application Development system (RAD) for building Windows desktop and Web (including AJAX)...
Create a personal or business desktop database fast and easily using this simple all-in-one database software. Free 30 day trial. Brilliant Database is a...
Lantica Software, LLC - Sesame, A Q&A-compatible Database Manager. Sesame provides the tools needed to easily create database applications and organize and present the information in them.
MobiDB Database Designer is a general-purpose relational database app for business users with multi-user access and synchronization. It is able to store any type of...
Read and write to your databases without any programming changes. Quickest and easiest way to go paperless. Read and Write to any desktop side database Wirelessly...
4D is a relational database management system and IDE. 4D provides integrated platforms that simplify and speed up the development and deployment of Web, mobile...
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