Scientilla is a new approach to give the scientific community an open, free, accurate, tidy and up-to-date production reporting solution. Scientilla is peer-to-peer...
Sente 6 is the next-generation academic reference manager. Sente helps you find, organize, review and cite the academic literature in your field, and it does it in ways that you have probably not thought possible before.
Sente 6 is the nextgeneration academic reference manager. Sente helps you find, organize, review and cite the academic literature in your field, and it does it in ways that you have probably not thought possible before. Sente also helps you build and maintain your library of PDF files for these references, because having ready access to the full text of important articles can be critical. Sente also excels at properly formatting bibliographies in your papers, but you probably already knew that.
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writing-editor Discontinued bibliography citation reference-manager academic-research