Dicty Lite
Say one or more sentences for Dicty to convert to/from text. Can sent text to WhatsApp, SMS or e-mail or copied and used in any other application that accepts text. ...
Select and Speak uses iSpeech's human-quality text-to-speech (TTS) to read any selected text in the browser.
select and speak uses ispeech's humanquality texttospeech (tts) to read any selected text in the browser. it includes many ispeech text to speech voices in different languages. you can configure the voice and speed options by changing the settings on the options page. celebrity text to speech voices and character text to speech voices are not included in select and speak at this time, but can be used through the talkz application. please request an additional languages by contacting us.
update we have recently added arabic, korean, and greek text to speech to the select and speak chrome app
select and speak includes the following text to speech languages:english male and english female (american), spanish male and spanish female (latin american), english male and english female (british), english female (australian), english female (canadian), french male and french female (france), french female (canadian), portuguese female (portugal), portuguese male and portuguese female (brazilian portuguese), spanish male and spanish female (castilian), german male and german female, italian male and italian female, dutch female, danish female, turkish male and turkish female, czech female, danish female (danish), finnish female, russian male and russian female, swedish female, norwegian female, hungarian female, polish female, greek female, chinese female, korean female, japanese female
how to use:
first select the text you want it to read. then click the icon to start listening. to stop listening at any time click stop
text-to-speech text-to-audio tts-reader tts-sdk