eXo Platform
eXo Platform is a Digital Collaboration Platform for enterprises. It helps people work together in a collaborative workplace.
Open source document management system with workflow support, access rights, full text search, multi language support, webdav.
Open source document management system with workflow support, access rights, full text search, multi language support, webdav.
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eXo Platform is a Digital Collaboration Platform for enterprises. It helps people work together in a collaborative workplace.
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Alfresco is the leading open source enterprise content management system built by the most experienced team in the industry drawn from Documentum®, Vignette® and Interwoven®.
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LogicalDOC is a high-performance, intuitive document management system that offers the power of enterprise document management to mid-sized companies and large organizations.
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Nuxeo provides an Open Source Content Management Platform enabling architects and developers to easily build, deploy, and run content-centric business applications.
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Document management without the headaches. Automated OCR of documents, automatic categorization, flexible metadata, extensive access control, Mayan EDMS has all this...
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NemakiWare is an Open Source CMIS-compliant platform for document management. It uses the NOSQL database CouchDB.
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