eXo Platform
eXo Platform is a Digital Collaboration Platform for enterprises. It helps people work together in a collaborative workplace.
LogicalDOC is a high-performance, intuitive document management system that offers the power of enterprise document management to mid-sized companies and large organizations.
logicaldoc is a highperformance, intuitive document management system that offers the power of enterprise document management to midsized companies and large organizations. logicaldoc can help any kind of organization anywhere in the world gain control over their documents, with a particular focus on fast content retrieval and business process automation.
our solution enables your team to create, coauthor, and coordinate any number of documents. increase collaboration and productivity in your organization using logicaldoc’s nextgeneration web interface, simple integration into microsoft office and outlook, and automatic import from your shared folders.
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Real time collaboration Advanced document preview
Productivity Business and Commerce
real-time-collaboration knowledge-management workflow java-based document-management document-management-system cms advanced-document-preview
eXo Platform is a Digital Collaboration Platform for enterprises. It helps people work together in a collaborative workplace.
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Document management without the headaches. Automated OCR of documents, automatic categorization, flexible metadata, extensive access control, Mayan EDMS has all this...
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