FVD Speed Dial
FVD Speed Dial - Speed dial button, Online Synchronization, New Tab Start Page, Organize bookmarks, Custom backgrounds, custom dials, organized groups, most visited dials.
Searchy literally turns the web into your personal guide Add search scopes matching your needs to Searchy. Then just type anything you want to find into a right scope and get the search results narrowed by it.
searchy literally turns the web into your personal guide
add search scopes matching your needs to searchy. then just type anything you want to find into a right scope and get the search results narrowed by it.
organize your search scopes
searchy lets you perform searches using as many scopes as you want. organize them in columns and group by categories.
don't waste time on typing similar search queries
your daily routine consists of lots repetitive searches? with searchy you can automate that. just write a template for similar search queries and stop typing the same things over and over again.
google and bing are supported
search using google's and bing's web, image, video and news search engines.
search using websites and advanced filters
often performing searches on same websites? spending much time on advanced search filters in google or bing? searchy will simplify that too. just add scopes for the websites and search filters, and use them like a boss.
search without hassle
each time you need to search something, just press ctrl + shift + space to bring up the searchy window.
Productivity Online Services Web Browsers
bookmarks productivity-app productivity-tool bookmark-manager bookmarking search-tool image-search video-search web-search site-search
FVD Speed Dial - Speed dial button, Online Synchronization, New Tab Start Page, Organize bookmarks, Custom backgrounds, custom dials, organized groups, most visited dials.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome Firefox
Million Short is an experimental web search engine (really, more of a discovery engine) that allows you to REMOVE the top million (or top 100k, 10k, 1k, 100) sites from the results set.
Free Web
Xirkle is a meta search engine, which allows a user to search the web anonymously. Unlike other engines, there's no need to login to an account to adjust the privacy setting because Xirkle was created without this unnecessary attribute.
Free Web
Search engine that is completely free and show no adverts and doesn't track you.
Free Web
This is the Black Homepage for your Browser with Secure anti-Tracking Search Engine.
Free Web
Just like Google or Yahoo fetches results, you too can build a private search engine with a clone script.
FF Speed Dial is a clean, minimalistic and highly customizable New Tab for Mozilla Firefox.
Free Windows Firefox