-Combines PNGOUT, OptiPNG, and DeflOpt to create the smallest PNGs -No image quality is lost — only file size -Converts JPG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP files to PNG -Ultra-configurable PNGGauntlet is a .
.Net based application that does Content-Aware Image Resizing just like Photoshop CS4. See http://seamonster.codeplex.com/releases/view/10269 for Executable and...
.net based application that does contentaware image resizing just like photoshop cs4.
see http://seamonster.codeplex.com/releases/view/10269 for executable and sourcecode.
features included in this first release:
* for maximum reusability, the seam carving algorithm is implemented in its own assembly (separate from the client application). * seams may be carved both horizontally and vertically. * two seam functions are included: cumulative and standard. cumulative should faithfully represent the function in the original paper. * there are three methods for comparing seams: total, average, and diffbias. diffbias is experimental and may not be very useful. * a simple bias map function makes it easy to preserve image details or ask for them to be removed. * multiple energy functions are included. sobel is likely the most useful. * carved images can also be saved or copied to the clipboard.
photo-editing carving-algorithm