Walnut Secure Email
Walnut Secure Email is P2P, person to person or end to end secure mail application that protects all of end-user existing accounts, including Gmail, Yahoo Mail...
SCRYPTmail is true end-to-end encrypted email service. Email and meta data, i.e sender / recipient are encrypted when you communicate within scryptmail domain.
scryptmail is true endtoend encrypted email service. email and meta data, i.e sender / recipient are encrypted when you communicate within scryptmail domain.
public source code all source code is available for public audit, this include front and back end code.
true zero data knowledge because we also encrypt sender and recipient there is zero information third parties can learn if our server ever get compromised.
compatible send and received emails from other services that don't use encryption.
protected send an encrypted email to other email services using unique secret phrase you shared with recipient. recipient able to reply back securely without creating an account.
no shared data we serve only files located on our server, so your visit to us stay confidential.
do not track all images and outside resources are disabled by default, so sender can not learn if you opened email.
free make your online communication more secured and private with our free basic account.
strong you can use your own rsa keys or generate new at will, up to 4096 bit.
anonymous stay connected without sharing your email address by creating disposable email.
Official Website
End to end encryption Anonymity Encrypted email
Productivity Security Online Services File Sharing
web-based webmail-service end-to-end-encryption anonymity email-encryption encrypted-email secure-email private-messages private-email