Nimbus Screenshot and Screencast
Capture Web page and edit screenshots. Record screencasts - record video from your screen.
ScreenCloud is an easy to use screenshot sharing application. Take a screenshot using one of the 3 hotkeys or simply click the ScreenCloud tray icon. You can choose where you want to save your screenshot.
screencloud is an easy to use screenshot sharing application. take a screenshot using one of the 3 hotkeys or simply click the screencloud tray icon. you can choose where you want to save your screenshot.
if you choose to upload your screenshot to the screencloud website, a link will automatically be copied to your clipboard. you can share this link with your friends or colleagues via email or in an im conversation. all they have to do is click the link and look at your screenshot.
screencloud also offers ftp and sftp uploading if you want to user your own server.
Official Website
Productivity Phots and Graphics Backup and Sync
screen-grab screenshot-sharing screenshot-utility screencapture