Whether you're a morning lark or night owl, SunsetScreen allows you to set the time of the sunset and sunrise, so you can have full control over your sleep cycle.
Screen Shader is a chrome extension designed to tint the screen a “cozy” orange color to reduce eye strain, eye fatigue, and restore day/night balance, while also providing a wide variety of settings for everyone's different tastes!.
screen shader is an extension for chrome that automagically changes the color of your screen to match up with daylight cycles in your timezone. computer displays produce white and blue light which can irritate your eyes and interfere with your sleeping cycle. screen shader is designed to tint the screen a “cozy” orange color to reduce eye strain, eye fatigue, and restore day/night balance, while also providing a wide variety of settings for everyone's different tastes!
q: why do i need this? can’t i simply change the luminosity of my screen?a: changing the luminosity does not remove white and blue light from your display. those colors are still unnatural and will irritate your eyes, even if dimmed. a full day in front of your computer screen can wreak havoc upon your melatonin cycle and internal clock. the unnatural light can also harm your eye retina. screen shader is designed to considerably reduce these effects by eliminating enough white and blue light to provide you with the best browsing experience and eye comfort.
Blue light filter Google Chrome extension
blue-light-filter eye-strain chrome-extension screen-filter