Keep Everything
Light & Fast Web Archiver for iOS, OS X. "Keep Everything" is a Web archiving and management app that is light and fast. It can be used in OS X and iOS and synchronizes by using Dropbox.
Allows you to bookmark any website to read later. You can search, sort, share, organize bookmarks in folders, read the text version of the website. You can save directly...
easy to use: saving is fast and simple, your bookmarks are available on any device with a browser and internet connection.
save notes: you can add a note to any bookmark you saved, or add new standalone notes. notes can be organized in folders or shared, just like bookmarks.
organize bookmarks in folders: save webpages directly to your folders. just drag the bookmarklet corresponding to a folder, from the folders page, to the browser's toolbar. or, move any existing bookmark to a folder.
share folders: you can share folders privately, with specific saveforlater.com users, or publicly, with all users. on the folders page, click on the share link for any folder you want to share.
fast full text search: fast full text search, type any part of your bookmark and find it instantly.
tags: add tags to your bookmarks. filter by tags.
save securely: you don't need to be logged in to save a bookmark.
import bookmarks: you can import bookmarks from a csv file (currently only instapaper format is supported).
export bookmarks: export your bookmarks as a csv file.
text only: we extract the text from a saved webpage, for easier, clutter and addfree reading.you can see the text only version of the website you saved by clicking on the "text only" link, on the browse page.
share and email: you can share your saved webpage by email, twitter or facebook.
bookmarks bookmarking bookmarking-service read-later save-links save-web-page