KRISTAL Audio Engine
KRISTAL Audio Engine is a powerful multi-track recorder, audio sequencer and mixer - ideal for anyone wanting to get started with recording, mixing and mastering digital...
THE MASTER-QUALITY MIDI SOUND MODULE AND GROOVE WORKSTATION FOR THE MOBILE ARTIST. Hundreds of world-class instrument and patterns included - piano, organ, drums, bass...
the masterquality midi sound module and groove workstation for the mobile artist. hundreds of worldclass instrument and patterns included piano, organ, drums, bass, guitar, strings, synths, percussion, vocals and many more!
sampletank is the first professional quality sound and groove workstation with hundreds of worldclass instruments and patterns that you can always have with you. you can play sampletank instruments on stage or in the studio with the irig midi (www.irigmidi.com ) interface and a keyboard or pad controller just as you would with a regular sound or synthesizer module, use the new irig keys (www.irigkeys.com ) minikeyboard controller at home or on the road, or you can use the builtin tools to create inspiring professional sounding music anywhere your mobile life takes you. sampletank now includes a 4track midi recorder as well as an enhanced drum pads interface to create any kind of music anytime and everywhere.
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Productivity Developer Tools Video
midi vst-plugin vsti soundfonts