News from the US, Europe, Russia and all over the world, gathered from Russian sources and translated into English. On rushincrash.com you will find posts that are not...
RSS Menu is a systemwide menu that allows you to read and organize your favourite RSS or Atom feeds. The articles are automatically updated and you will get a notification when new articles are available or when some other event occurs.
rss menu is a systemwide menu that allows you to read and organize your favourite rss or atom feeds.
the articles are automatically updated and you will get a notification when new articles are available or when some other event occurs. in addition to visual notification, you can also enable speech notification and choose one of the many built in voices.it is also possible to integrate itunes (for podcasts) and safari (for rss bookmarks) with rss menu.
Import feeds from OPML Twitter integration Growl integration iTunes integration Instapaper integration Pocket integration
Productivity Social Books News
opml-import rss-feed-reader twitter-integration atom growl-integration itunes-integration instapaper-integration pocket-integration
News from the US, Europe, Russia and all over the world, gathered from Russian sources and translated into English. On rushincrash.com you will find posts that are not...
Free Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone Web
Android River is a fast river of news style RSS reader with awesome support for Podcasting. It also has special feeds creator to services such as Google News (over 50...
Free Open Source Android
Zen searches the internet for content that will interest you — articles, news, and video — and displays it in a personalized feed on the start screens of Yandex.Browser...
Free Android Web
OneReadr is a RSS reader for all your favorite social activities, blogs and articles. Save all your popular activity feeds and stay up to date with the most current...
Commercial Web
Read Your Feed is a simple and easy to use RSS reader. Just try it and read your feed simpler! The main focus of this application is to show all articles in the main...
Free Web
Get the power of RSS and PUSH NOTIFICATIONS for your iPhone, iPod or iPad. Simple RSS is the perfect tool for organizing, reading and accessing all your news quickly and...
Customize your new tabs into Rss Feed & Shots with any urls you add and any shots you choose.
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RSS Notifier turns OS X’s Notification Center and your menu bar into an RSS Feed Reader (In-App Purchase: Notification Bar $0.99). * Spice up your RSS news with the...
Freemium Mac OS X
Ad, Pop-up, and Paywall busting news reader for Mac, Windows and Linux. Katana is designed to make it easier than ever before to stay up to date with what is happening...
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux
BerryVine RSS Reader is an extremely useful application for easy RSS reading. Stay up to date with all your favorite RSS feeds and read about news, sports, science...
Commercial Blackberry
Weave is a news reader that lets you follow any website or blog you are interested in at any time. We provide a huge set of built-in news sources grouped by categories...
Freemium Windows Phone
News is a new, revolutionary RSS Reader exclusive to IOS. News allows you to easily read ALL your favourite newspapers, magazines, blogs, RSS feeds in a SINGLE screen!...
Caffeinated 2.0 is a fast, easy to use, stand alone RSS reader. Built upon version 1.3.3's base system it has been rewritten to be completely stand alone, fast and...
Commercial Mac OS X
Displays a sidebar that lets you manage your RSS feeds in a folder tree view in Firefox 57+. A "Legacy" theme is available to have look close to...
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