The Best 148 ROSA Linux Alternatives

  • Zenwalk Linux

    zenwalk linux (formerly minislack) is a slackware -based gnu/linux operating system with a goal of being slim and fast by using only...

    Free Open Source Linux

  • Vector Linux

    VectorLinux is a small, fast, Intel based Linux operating system for PC style computers.

    Free Open Source Linux

  • CageOS

    We built CageOS to power Community Cube. It’s entirely an open source platform, designed to ensure your privacy and security.

    Free Open Source Linux Self-Hosted

  • Helal Linux

    Helal Linux is an Islamic Arabic Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. Helal Linux features most important packages which means to Muslim user built-in, in addition to...

    Free Open Source Linux

  • Funtoo Linux

    funtoo linux is a linux-based operating system that is a variant of gentoo. the main differences to gentoo would be: * no...

    Free Open Source Linux

  • Salix

    Salix is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Slackware that is simple, fast and easy to use, with stability being a primary goal.

    Free Open Source Linux

  • PelicanHPC

    PelicanHPC is an iso-hybrid (CD or USB) image that let's you set up a high performance computing cluster in a few minutes.

    Free Open Source Linux