Universal USB Installer
Universal USB Installer is a Live Linux USB Creator that allows you to choose from a selection of Linux Distributions to put on your USB Flash Drive. The Universal USB Installer is easy to use.
Optical drives are rapidly disappearing from our computers of all kinds, and consequently installing operating systems from USB flash disks is becoming increasingly...
optical drives are rapidly disappearing from our computers of all kinds, and consequently installing operating systems from usb flash disks is becoming increasingly popular. iso images of the rosa linux distribution were originally intended for burning to dvd disks, but they can as well be written to flash disks which would allow you to boot from them and launch the live system or start installation. there is no standard tool for writing images to flash disks, everybody uses what he or she likes. in rosa the command line tool dd was traditionally recommended for performing this kind of job. however, it can hardly be called userfriendly, and most users would feel at least some discomfort, if not terror, using it. for windows users the situation is even worse. granted, there is a dd port for windows, but it happened to have serious bugs which prevent the resultant flash disks from working properly. all this led to the solution of developing our own tool, rosa image writer.
Create bootable Image Create bootable USB
create-bootable-image create-bootable-usb usb-creator image-writer