Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities, featuring free online classified advertisements – with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services, community, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums.
RoadSwap is a classifieds app for truckers to list items they want to sell or swap while traveling.
roadswap is a gps based classified app for truckers, rvers, travelers, and local people wanting to buy, sell, or swap items at truck stops, rv parks, rest stops, or any public gathering place. basically, it combines gps with classifieds to give overtheroad travelers, the ultimate tool to easily find, buy, sell and swap goods anywhere! items you list in roadswap get tagged with your mobile gps. as your location changes, so does your item location. wherever you go, your listed items will always be available to other drivers near you.
Official Website
Productivity File Sharing Travel and Location
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Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities, featuring free online classified advertisements – with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services, community, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums.
Free Web
Marketplace is a convenient destination to discover, buy and sell items with people in your community. Marketplace makes it easy to find new things you’ll love, and find a new home for the things you’re ready part with.
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Krrb (pronounced 'curb') is a scavenger hunt at your fingertips where you can thrift, rummage and discover local treasures - at your doorstep or around the world.
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YellowPosts helps you to post free classifieds ads in your city for gadgets, restaurants, hotels, real estate, services, activity, business details and multiple other things around the world.
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The safest, easiest way to discover, buy & sell secondhand, pre-loved and new goods face-to-face, using your phone.
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CareerBuilder.ca is one of the nation's largest online recruitment and career advancement source for employers, recruiters and job seekers. One of the top 30 trafficked websites in the world, CareerBuilder.
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Where the fans and friends of workopolis.com, Canada's most popular job site get together to share the career issues of the day. L’endroit où échangent les amis de Workopolis.
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Local Find is an online service which connects people locally willing to trade goods and services. Divided by categories you can find items sale, properties, community ads, services, jobs and pets.
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The fun way to buy, sell and connect with your local community. Visit VarageSale.
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Get Code Done. Since I'm not a developer I was very happy that CodersClan provided a community where I can post my questions.
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The ultimate online solution for finding, buying, and selling new and used surf equipment.
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Share local activities and events with friends nearby. The idea behind Open Circlez is pretty simple - there are many activities & events happening around us.
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