Simple RSS Reader
simple rss reader is an alternative to google reader featuring an identical layout that functions and behaves exactly like the discontinued google product, including it's much-loved star capability.
Rivered is a web-based multi-platform feed reader that does one thing really well: lets you read content from sites you follow in an uncluttered ‘River of News’. A River of News is a continuous stream of content sorted by most recent first.
Rivered is a webbased multiplatform feed reader that does one thing really well: lets you read content from sites you follow in an uncluttered ‘River of News’. A River of News is a continuous stream of content sorted by most recent first. There is no ‘unread item count’ to stress you out.
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simple rss reader is an alternative to google reader featuring an identical layout that functions and behaves exactly like the discontinued google product, including it's much-loved star capability.
Free Web
Chrome extension to read breaking news and personalized articles in browser's new tab. It gathers news across 1000s of sources, learns your reading habits and recommends articles based on your profile and topics you are interested in.
Free Personal Windows Linux Chrome OS Web Chrome
My name is Newsdippides, the successor of ancient Pheidippides, and I am a virtual news robot.
Free Web
ttrss-reader is a client application for the project tiny tiny rss , a php-based online feedreader which runs on your own webspace.
Free Open Source Android Android Tablet
Web based RSS aggregator. Providing millions of news from over than 150,000 publishers.
Free Web
clonereader is a clone of google reader , actually in beta. open source. responsive. search in all feeds remote login. import subscriptions.xml and starred.json from google reader. remote storage. multi language.
Free Open Source Web
Mr. Reader is a powerful RSS News Reader for your iPad that synchronizes with popular services. Due to the large article preview and image thumbnails, it is easy to read only the articles you are interested in.
Commercial iPad
Feed On Feeds is a server-based RSS aggregator written in PHP. It provides a simple firehose-style interface with the capability of filtering on tags and individual sites.
Free Open Source Self-Hosted
Yomu is the RSS reader born to the concept "which looks through all the reports single hand". In the list screen which carried out the form of the palette, a site can be crossed and a report can be read.
Free iPhone iPad