H. G. Fortune VST Synthesizers
HGFortune - Nearly Forgotten Gems - Pro versions now Freeware. Collection of software synthesizers by H. G. Fortune (official site now defunct) released as freeware on...
Retrostica PX1 has an intuitive, one-click interface. Functions can be started / stopped with one single mouse click. There is no need to setup dozens of parameters...
retrostica px1 has an intuitive, oneclick interface.functions can be started / stopped with onesingle mouse click. there is no need to setup dozens ofparameters, or bother with complicated configurations.everything works immediately just out of the box.
every sound in retrostica is cd quality. sounds arenot played slower or faster to emulate lower or highertones, each sound is a separate digitalized instrument.the px1 is a 4 octave polyphonic virtual keyboard.
the song recorder allows you to record the notes youplay. once it's done you can edit the song with thebuiltin song editor. you can even add your own rhythmby editing the four channel drum tracks.
the song editor allows you to export the final songto standard wav format. this format can be usedin your games, presentations or videos.
Productivity Developer Tools Video
portable music-production piano music-tracker music-sequencer music-synthesizer drum song-editor wav-export