data recovery features:
support for the hfs/hfs+ (mac), fat/fat16/fat32/exfat/ntfs/ntfs5,refs (windows), and ext2 / ext3 / ext4 fs, ufs1/ufs2 (linux/unix) file systems.
smartscan data recovery technology: absolute control over the data recovery process even from corrupted or formatted hard drives.
scalable technology: perform a quick undelete for recently deleted files or perform a deep disk scan to analyze all files and partitions that have ever existed on the disk.
raw file recovery (disk scan using file signatures for recovery of known file types).
file preview for graphics, video, and audio files to estimate chances for successful file recovery. files can be previewed in the demo mode for free.
advanced file search capabilities.
backup recovered data to any storage device, including external disks (usb, firewire, etc.), internal disks, separate partitions, and even network and shared drives.
advanced data recovery features.
scan multiple disk scans at once, even if the file systems and other parameters are different. recovered data and search results is automatically combined into a single report.
customdefined file signatures for raw file recovery. gui editor makes it easy to teach restorer ultimate new "known file types."
advanced disk imaging capabilities, including support for region imaging, disk image compression, split image files (for storing on multiple devices or devices with fat file size limitations).
powerful text/hexadecimal editor.
support for s.m.a.r.t. (selfmonitoring, analysis and reporting technology) attribute monitoring.
raid reconstruction