The Best 47 Responsable Alternatives

  • mini.css

    Mini.css is an open-source CSS framework that's minimal (7KB gzipped), responsive and style-agnostic.

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  • Golden Grid System

    A grid system for responsive web design. Includes folding columns, elastic gutters, a zoomable baseline grid, and a delightful grid overlay script.

    Free Open Source Web

  • 320 and Up

    The ‘tiny screen first’ responsive boilerplate.

    Free Open Source Web

  • Less Framework

    Less Framework is a CSS grid system for designing adaptive web­sites. It contains 4 layouts and 3 sets of typography presets, all based on a single grid.

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  • inuit.css

    inuit.css is a lightweight, constantly updated CSS framework which provides you with a pragmatic and feature-rich starting point for all your projects. It is crammed...

    Free Open Source Web

  • Susy

    Susy: un-obtrusive grid system for designers, built on Compass and Sass

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  • Wee

    Lightweight front-end framework for logically building complex, responsive web projects.

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  • Fluid 960 Grid System

    The Fluid 960 Grid System templates have been built upon the work of Nathan Smith and his 960 Grid System using effects from the MooTools and jQuery JavaScript...

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  • Fluid Baseline Grid

    The Fluid Baseline Grid System is an HTML5 & CSS3 development kit that provides a solid foundation to quickly design websites with ease.

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  • Foldy960

    Foldy960 - A responsive version of the 960 grid, the Pvel way!

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  • Frameless

    Dig responsive design? Hate fluid grids? Try a Frameless grid.

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  • Gridless

    Gridless is an optionated HTML5 and CSS3 boilerplate for making mobile first responsive, cross-browser websites with beautiful typography.

    Free Open Source Web

  • SimpleGrid

    Responsive. Infinite nesting. One class per element. Simple.

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  • Unsemantic CSS Framework

    Unsemantic is a fluid grid system that is the successor to the 960 Grid System. It works in a similar way, but instead of being a set number of columns, it's...

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  • Microsoft Web Framework

    MWF is a system that allows site authors to consider how best to tell the story of Microsoft products and services with confidence that the modular pieces will support...

    Free Open Source Self-Hosted

  • Responsive Grid System

    This is the Responsive Grid System, a quick, easy and flexible way to create a responsive web site.

    Free Open Source Web

  • Simple Grid

    A simple, lightweight, responsive, 12-column grid and container system for your website.

    Free Open Source Web Self-Hosted

  • Cascade Framework

    Although the overall look and feel are most definitely inspired by Twitter Bootstrap, Cascade framework is not just another Bootstrap clone. Where Twitter Bootstrap puts...

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