Lineage OS
A free and open-source operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform.
Replicant is a distribution of Android that is 100% Free Software. Most of Android is licensed freely under the Apache License 2.0. The Linux core is mostly Free Software under the GPLv2.
replicant is a distribution of android that is 100% free software.
most of android is licensed freely under the apache license 2.0. the linux core is mostly free software under the gplv2. however, there are numerous components of the default software stack on the devices that are proprietary software. most notably, nearly any component that touches the hardware directly is proprietary software. replicant lacks location tracking (anti)features.
on the replicant wiki you can find a list of open source apps that can be used to replace the proprietary google apps (market, gmail, maps, etc.). most notably, it suggests to use fdroid instead of google market.
Security focused Root required
security-focused operating-system root-required mobile-operating-system android-rom