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FocusWriter is a fullscreen, distraction-free word processor designed to immerse you as much as possible in your work.
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Writemonkey is a cross-platform zenware writing application with an extremely stripped down user interface, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your words.
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Hemingway Editor
Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear. The Hemingway Editor for Mac and PC highlights common errors. Use it to catch wordy sentences, adverbs, passive voice, and dull, complicated words.
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ghostwriter is a Windows and Linux text editor for Markdown, which is a plain text markup format created by John Gruber. For more information about Markdown, please visit John Gruber’s website at https://daringfireball.net/ .
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Abricotine is an open-source markdown editor for desktop. In Abricotine, you can preview your document directly in the text editor rather than in a side pane.
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Koalawriter is a fullscreen, distraction-free plain text editor with customizable background images and ambient music. Like its Mac OS counterpart Ommwriter, its...
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Nimble Writer
Nimble Writer is a general-purpose tool for writing stories, be it short fiction stories or even complete novels or books. It focuses on being distraction-free, simple...