clonereader is a clone of google reader , actually in beta. open source. responsive. search in all feeds remote login. import subscriptions.xml and starred.json from google reader. remote storage. multi language.
reeder is an rss reader and client for multiple services like: feedly , feedbin , feedhq , inoreader , newsblur , the old reader , http://alternativein .
reeder is an rss reader and client for multiple services like:
feedly ,feedbin ,feedhq ,inoreader ,newsblur ,the old reader ,bazqux reader ,instapaper .
don't want to use a thirdparty service? reeder also supports local/standalone rss (no sync).
themes: light classic (ipad only) dark (night reading) white (more contrast) black (more contract, night reading)
sharing services: safari reading list buffer instapaper pocket evernote pinboard twitter facebook messages mail...and more via sharing extensions.
Productivity Social Books News
multiple-account-support rss rss-feed-reader news-client news-reader share-news feedly-client
clonereader is a clone of google reader , actually in beta. open source. responsive. search in all feeds remote login. import subscriptions.xml and starred.json from google reader. remote storage. multi language.
Free Open Source Web
Microreader - Very simple web based RSS/Atom reader. Written in python with bottle.
Free Self-Hosted
Online RSS Aggregator / Feed Reader with article filtering, programmatic editing, full-text search. Supports OpenID Logins.
Free Web
The best feature of FeedR is built-in Feed Search. There is no need to use the Browser and copy / paste or type in long URLs. Simply enter the name of the site or any search key words and be on your way reading your feeds.
Commercial Android
Leaf is an amazing RSS reader for your Mac. Read, share, star and search RSS articles by using a smooth, clean and intuitive interface. Featured on Lifehacker - "...
Mr. Reader is a powerful RSS News Reader for your iPad that synchronizes with popular services. Due to the large article preview and image thumbnails, it is easy to read only the articles you are interested in.
Commercial iPad
RSS Monster is an easy to use web-based RSS aggregator and reader compatible with the Fever API, created as an alternative for Google Reader.
Free Open Source Self-Hosted
RSS Central is a powerful and easy to use application that can download and display RSS, Atom and RDF news feeds from web sites all over the internet.
Freemium Windows RT Windows Phone
FeedRoller is a lightweight RSS feed ticker. It is designed to show scrolling headlines from your favorite news sites and blogs, directly on your desktop. Features Supports RSS, and Atom feed format.
Free Windows
Feed On Feeds is a server-based RSS aggregator written in PHP. It provides a simple firehose-style interface with the capability of filtering on tags and individual sites.
Free Open Source Self-Hosted