Steadier State
Steadier State is the fastest and easiest way to restore Windows 7 to an earlier snapshot. Each user creates files and installs programs on C:\, the PC's only hard drive. Everything that each user does affects all future users.
Reboot Restore Rx makes it easy to maintain PC’s in small public access computing environments (classrooms, computer labs, kiosks, internet cafes, libraries, etc.).
reboot restore rx makes it easy to maintain pc’s in small public access computing environments (classrooms, computer labs, kiosks, internet cafes, libraries, etc.). every time you restart the pcs they will automatically reset to your predefined baseline setting.
reboot restore rx professional, previously named drive vaccine, has all the features of the free version and in addition restore scheduling, remote management, automated updates, drive / registry exclusion and more.
regardless of what they may attempt to do, including erasing files, installing software or even modifying registry settings, the computers will restore to their configured baseline settings everytime they are restarted, when a user logsoff or one any schedule (daily or weekly). making the workstations perfectly configured and available for the next user.
Official Website
Remote Management Persistent Storage Restore on reboot
Productivity Utilities Security Networking and Admin
simplicity remote-management data-protection persistent-storage restore-on-reboot security-privacy