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as google reader is dying, i needed a tool to retrieve all my starred and shared items.
as google reader is dying, i needed a tool to retrieve all my starred and shared items. exporting through google takeout was not enough, it exported files that i could not open anywhere, and was cumbersome. i needed something more user friendly and a solution to read the data that was backup.this app is my solution:it imports starred and sharred items from google reader, while it is still alive.it exports to xml atom feed file, that can be opened in any feed reader; and exports to enex evernote file, that can be imported in your evernote notes.it also have a simple feed reader, that allows the backup data to be read anytime offline.
Import from Google Reader Export to XML Offline Reading
Productivity Social Books News
google-reader-import news atom feed-reader export-to-xml offline-reading starred-items