Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
Self-hosted (PHP/MySQL) feeds aggregator - Google Reader alternative - Import OPML - Add a feed or website URL (feed detection) - Responsive desktop, tablet and mobile - Main keyboard shortcuts from Google Reader - Shared items with public...
selfhosted (php/mysql) feeds aggregator google reader alternative
made with material design lite
builtin or ldap authenticationsupport https (proxy to get http images)responsive desktop, tablet and mobilemultilingual (english, french and simplified chinese available)add a feed or website url (feed detection)get feed from facebook pagesimport and export opmlorganize subscriptions in folderslist priority items (flag important subscriptions)automatic tags from item feed categorieslist items by tag and tags cloudlist items by author and authors cloudmain keyboard shortcuts from google readerswitch unread only / read and unreadexpand / collapse itemslive unread counter in title bar / tabget enclosures (image, audio and video)get video iframes from dailymotion, vimeo and youtube as enclosuresstarred items with exportimport starred items from google takeoutshared items with public profile webpage and rss feedmultiuserslist members with public profileshare on facebook, google+, linkedin, shaarli, twitter and wallabagshare by emailsearch subscriptions and itemsglobal statistics and statistics by subscription and by folder (activity by tag, by folder, by day, by month, by time of day, by day of the week...)display geolocation with google static maps (and distance from current user position)list feedly essentialscustom text direction by subscription (left to right / right to left)full content from readabilitysend article to evernote (retrieve content with readability if enabled, cleanup html and create a note)api with fever (tested with calenture rss reader, meltdown and readkit)windows phone and desktop: pinned site with tile and badgeget unread items notification from your reader self installation (google chrome extension)detect feeds in current page and get direct links to subscribe (google chrome extension)
Import from Google Reader Material design
web-based google-reader-import rss-feed-reader php news-reader server-side material-design aggregator